Why You Need a Prelit Christmas Tree this Holiday Season

Every year when the holidays approach, there are tons of movies that are seen at this time of year. For those who love holiday movies, there is one way in which they can honor their favorite movie, and that is through decorated your prelit Christmas trees with that movie theme in mind. While there are tons of movies out there, one of the classics that no one can get away with watching just once during the holiday season is “A Christmas Story”. After all, who doesn’t automatically remember how Raphie really wanted a BB gun, and his parents were telling him how he would put his eye out!

The Benefits of a Prelit Christmas Tree


The iconic “A Christmas Story” is a favorite for many people. And for those who prelit Christmas trees, they often base their decorating theme on this movie. How do they do this? There are several ways in which they do. One method is to use ornaments that remind you of this movie. A BB gun, a pink bunny suit, icicles to highlight when the boy gets his tongue stuck to the metal pole, and other elements that make you fondly remember your favorite portions of this movie. Other people opt to make their prelit Christmas trees look more like the movie tree that they see in this, which does include multi-colored lights and a star at the top of this tree.

A movie-themed Christmas tree is quickly becoming an easy way to honor your favorite movies, while also ensuring that you can change the theme out year after year, if this is something of interest to you. “A Christmas Story” is one of those movies that never goes out of style, even though it is a bit older and it is one theme that the young and old alike will adore.