The Ultimate Guide to Removing Lights from Pre-Lit Christmas Trees: Say Goodbye to Twisted Wires and Frustration!

Ever plugged in your pre-lit tree only to find that some lights did not work? Read this.

Occasionally, tree lights will malfunction after a prolonged period of use. You can expect your tree lights to go out as time passes, especially if your tree is quite old like methuselah, or older.

But what steps can you take if this occurs? Would it be possible to save money by changing the lights instead of purchasing a new tree?

Well, yes!

Though it will depend on what kind of pre-lit Christmas tree you choose. Artificial trees often have pre-wired lights on their branches, making it impossible to disassemble them. Although some trees have lights you can remove and replace.

How to Remove Lights from Pre-Lit Christmas Trees

Below are some suggestions for removing lights from your pre-lit Christmas tree. Keep scrolling:

To start with, plug the tree into a power outlet. Then check that all its lights are functioning.

A bulb tester can be used to check each light. The bulbs are tested after being removed from the display stands and placed on the bulb tester.

If the bulb is functioning, it will automatically light up.

If a bulb does not work, you can use a spare bulb that comes with the tree or get one from a store nearby.

Try rotating the bulbs if a light isn’t working.

If none of the lights work, check the fuse at the end of the cable. You will need a small screwdriver to remove the fuse cover. Then you can replace damaged fuse.

Be on the lookout for strands of lights on the tree. A number of them are numbered alphabetically. So remove the unlit section’s end plug by finding the plug at its end.

Connect the new lights to the tree and wrap them around it. And then connect the new strand’s end to the old.